Shaping healthy futures through evidence-based, digital solutions

Committed to revolutionising mental health solutions through innovative technology for students, educators and businesses

eQuoo and Resilience Training Programme displayed on mobile, laptop and tablet devices

Solutions for
Students, Educators and Businesses

equoo mobile app clinical scores on mobile phone screen

Discover the clinically proven digital solution eQuoo. Built for students

image of psycapps resilience training programme on laptop screen 800 x 600

Empowering Employees with the Psychological Toolbox to help them thrive

Transforming mental health support in young adults with eQuoo's latest features thumbnail image with image of webinar hosts Silja Litvin and Eli West

Discover the Latest eQuoo Updates. The Essential Emotional Fitness App for Schools and Organisations

Better mental wellbeing for all

At PsycApps, we blend clinically proven methods with cutting-edge technology to empower people worldwide with essential life skills for overcoming life’s challenges.

Increased confidence, resilience & relationship skills lead to a better place for all


The Resilience Training Programme is designed to enhance the ability to manage challenging personal and professional situations, recover from adversity, and reduce staff absence

Boosting resilience through evidence-based gamified learning

eQuoo is an interactive mobile game that combines psychology and adventure to help improve emotional intelligence (EQ) and mental resilience. Developed by psychologists and game designers, eQuoo makes learning vital life skills fun and accessible


What People Are Saying About Us


eQuoo is a very handy app to be able to roll out to our students. It supports the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, enabling them to work through scenarios they may encounter both within and outside of college.

Tutor, Kidderminster College (NCG)


I’ve learned to control negative thoughts and look forward to improving my mental health and thinking through eQuoo.

Paragon Skills 


I struggle with moderate anxiety and depression. PsycApps is a great tool for managing my emotions and learning about them

Google Play Store User

Latest content from the PsycApps Blog

Digital Engagement Officer Job Opening

Digital Engagement Officer Job Opening

Digital Engagement Officer Remote - Full-time Position Reports to: Product Owner Full, clean driving licence required About eQuoo: eQuoo is on a mission to provide students and young adults with access to mental health prevention and early intervention through our...

Discover the Latest Updates in eQuoo

Discover the Latest Updates in eQuoo

We are thrilled to announce a series of exciting updates and feature enhancements in eQuoo that we’ve implemented over the past six months. These improvements are designed to enhance user experience, increase engagement, and ensure our players can better manage their...

eQuoo Emotional Health Certification of Achievement

eQuoo Emotional Health Certification of Achievement

You’ve just graduated, armed with knowledge and ready to take on the professional world… right? That’s what I thought, too. But after applying for 100’s of jobs, I still hadn’t had any luck. I was in a never-ending cycle of “enter the same information, submit an...

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