Understanding Secondary Appraisal of Events

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Blog, Education, eQuoo, Mental Wellbeing, PsycApps, Student Resources

Understanding Secondary Appraisal of Events

How to Handle Life’s Curveballs with Confidence

Your crush has FINALLY asked you out. You know you need to say something but you’re stuck. If you say yes, it could end in heartbreak but  if you say no, you might miss out on the love of your life. You have to give them an answer but how do you know which one? If you’re at a crossroad, secondary appraisal is your map. 

Stress is an inevitable part of life. But how we respond to it can make all the difference. When we perceive danger or a threat (hello, stress), our brains kick into overdrive, triggering a process called secondary appraisal. Basically, it’s when you ask yourself, Can I handle this, or is this going to completely overwhelm me?

Your response can range from confidence to doubt, and your emotions will follow suit

The way you appraise the situation will directly impact your coping ability. Spoiler alert: Staying positive and believing in your abilities can lead to higher resilience and solution-focused strategies that will help you conquer any challenge.

Avoidance Feels Good, But Is It Helping?

We all have moments where we’d rather hide from stress than face it head-on. Avoidance can provide short-term relief but when it comes to long-term solutions, confronting the stress usually yields better outcomes.

Let’s look at a couple of examples.

Avoiding Work Stress

Imagine you’re tasked with writing a report but the workload is completely unfamiliar. No matter how many times you ask for help, you just can’t seem to wrap your head around it. So, you avoid it—until the deadline looms over you like a dark cloud. Now, you’re scrambling to finish the report with double the pressure!

Alternative approach: Tackling the task early allows you to manage your time better, and slowly build the confidence needed to complete it. Yes, it’s uncomfortable but it’s also an opportunity to grow.

Coping Tools and Techniques: Building Resilience

Coping with stress isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Different strategies work for different situations but the key is finding what works for you. Below are some powerful techniques that can help you tackle stress with confidence:

Build Confidence: What Would You Do If You Were Unstoppable?

Confidence is a game-changer when dealing with stressful situations. For example, imagine going through a tough breakup. While the immediate stress of losing someone you love feels overwhelming, having confidence in yourself will help you heal faster.

By recognising your worth, you’ll open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences, all of which are worthy of you. Confidence is the first step in overcoming stress and moving forward with grace.

Remembering all the times that you’ve worked your way through an extremely challenging situation will also allow you to be confident – knowing you can do it. 

Fake It Till You Make It

Sometimes, acting confident can help you feel confident. Picture this: You run into your crush and you’re suddenly a sweaty, nervous mess. But instead of freezing, you take a deep breath, smile, and walk over with confidence. Guess what? Your energy is contagious, and they ask you out. Score!

However, it’s okay to take small steps. If jumping way out of your comfort zone is too much, break it down into manageable pieces. You don’t need to leap, just take a step in the right direction.

Keep a “Positive Wins” Log

One of the best ways to cope with stress is by reminding yourself of past successes. Take a moment to think of two situations where you doubted yourself, but still succeeded. By recognising your resilience, you’ll build a stronger belief in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

The Power of Positive Appraisals: Shifting Your Mindset

Maintaining a positive outlook when life throws you a curveball can change everything. Instead of viewing challenges as obstacles, see them as opportunities for growth. This mindset shift leads to positive secondary appraisals and healthier emotional responses.

How Does This Work?

Consider the “If there’s a will, there’s a way” mentality. When you adopt this mindset, nothing feels impossible. You’ll start to approach stressful situations with a solution-focused attitude rather than falling into unhelpful, avoidant behaviours.

The A, B, C, D, E,… Z method is also a good way to think about challenges: You try strategy A, if that doesn’t work out, B, and so on. Always looking out for a way through a situation. 

Why It’s Worth the Effort:

Positive appraisals can boost your coping mechanisms, making you more resilient in the face of adversity. And the best part? You’ll not only reduce the intensity of negative emotions but also improve your overall wellbeing.

Stress Management Techniques: Tools for Long-Term Success

Take Action, Even if It’s Small

Instead of avoiding a stressful situation, take small, actionable steps toward confronting it. Whether it’s scheduling that doctor’s appointment or tackling that report, small progress can lead to big wins.

Focus on What You Can Control

When stress feels overwhelming, it’s easy to feel helpless. But focusing on the aspects of the situation you can control can provide clarity and reduce anxiety. You may not be able to control losing your job, but you can control how you approach the job hunt.

Practice Self-Compassion

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you stumble along the way. Stressful situations are hard, and it’s okay to not always have the answers right away. Give yourself the same kindness and patience you would give a friend.

Cultivating Resilience for a Stress-Free Future

Coping with stress requires resilience, confidence, and a positive mindset. By focusing on building these traits, you can approach life’s challenges with a solution-oriented attitude, allowing you to thrive in the face of adversity.

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