Unmasking Negative Automatic Thoughts

by | Sep 27, 2024 | Blog, Education, eQuoo, Mental Wellbeing, PsycApps, Student Resources

Unmasking Negative Automatic Thoughts 

The Supervillains of the Mind


Negative Automatic Thoughts (NATs) can be the real villains in our lives, leading to destructive behaviours and emotions. Understanding these thoughts and challenging them can empower us to rewrite our narratives and foster positive change.

What Are Negative Automatic Thoughts?

Negative automatic thoughts are spontaneous and impulsive responses to various events, people, and situations. They tend to be:

  • Plausible but Exaggerated: They often feel credible but are blown out of proportion.
  • Semi-Conscious: You may be aware of these thoughts without fully processing or understanding them.
  • Dangerous: They can creep up unexpectedly, feeding on insecurities and promoting a “the possible is impossible” mindset.

Key Indicators: If your thoughts frequently include words like “never” or “always,” beware—the supervillains are lurking!

The Impact of NATs: Once Upon a NATs

NATs can lead to maladaptive reactions, immediate, involuntary thoughts that spring to mind when we face challenges or stressors. NATs can skew our perception of reality and trigger responses that don’t serve our well-being. For instance, a person experiencing NATs might react to stress or failure with either aggressive behaviours, such as lashing out at others, or with a defeatist, “can’t do” attitude, where they feel powerless to make any positive change.

These responses, driven by distorted thoughts, reinforce feelings of inadequacy and defeat. Over time, they can create a self-perpetuating cycle where these behaviours, rather than the situations themselves, shape a person’s outcomes. Recognising and challenging NATs is crucial in breaking free from this cycle, allowing healthier and more adaptive responses to life’s difficulties.

 Let’s explore how these thoughts can manifest through relatable scenarios.

ABC for NATs: Rewrite Your Narrative

Challenging your negative thoughts is crucial. Here’s how to transform them into empowering narratives:

A: Acknowledge and Challenge

Identify your NATs and challenge them. Look for positive and alternative explanations to counter unhelpful thinking.


  • Your crush might genuinely find you attractive, but they could be shy and leaving it up to you to make the first move.
  • Just because your colleague has won in previous years doesn’t guarantee they’ll win this time. You might have the potential to outperform them without resorting to unfair tactics.

B: Build Positive Alternatives

It’s essential to find alternatives to your negative narratives. Replace destructive thoughts with constructive ones. Instead of believing you must undermine others to succeed, remind yourself that kindness and integrity can also lead to victory.

C: Create an Empowering Narrative

You don’t need to poison the apple or sabotage others to reach your goals. By actively working to reshape your thoughts, you can turn a potentially toxic narrative into a positive and inspiring one.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Inner Hero

Negative Automatic Thoughts are often the unseen supervillains that sabotage our happiness and success. By recognizing and challenging these thoughts, you can take control of your narrative and live a more fulfilling life.

Remember, you have the power to rewrite your story. With practice, you can transform your mindset from one of defeat to one of empowerment. So, the next time you find yourself caught in a web of negative thinking, challenge those thoughts and embrace your inner hero!


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